Thursday, November 24, 2005

Conspiracy Theory

This is Thanksgiving morning, and we should be spending the day being thankful for our blessings, not searching for demons in the corners. But ...

While listening to a talk radio discussion of the X-Box 360 phenomenon yesterday, I got to thinking ...

The discussion revolved around whether the game systems sold out within hours because Microsoft manipulated the supply or if they merely released as many copies of the game system as they were able to manufacture before Nov. 22, the goal being to have it out on the market , debugged and thriving before the release of the rival Sony PlayStation 3.

"Sony!?!?," I asked.

The Sony that is currently being berated, abused, boycotted and prosecuted for sneaking spyware into its CDs?

Wow, it sure would be to Microsoft's advantage for people to be mad at Sony and boycotting its products when PS3 comes out, wouldn't it? And, being a cynic, I find it hard to believe that Sony's sin is the first of its kind. And, if a rival company snuck spyware into its products, the geeks at Microsoft would be among the first to spot it.

Who was the source of the stories about Sony's indiscretions, I wonder?

Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your tryptophan-induced dreams.


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