Wednesday, September 14, 2005

At least reporters got their guns back ...

There's something scurrying around in the back of my mind, something about "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed," but maybe I had a dream where that was the law or something.

A New Orleans Times-Picuyne reporter writes about life covering the aftermath and mentions how police catalogued, removed and then returned all of their guns.

"They took all our information and bid us a good day and then sauntered off to retrieve a dead guy on a front porch down the street.

"Then the California Highway Patrol -- the CHiPs! -- came and demanded we turn over our weapons.

"What are you going to do? We were certainly outnumbered so we turned over the guns. Then, an hour later, they brought them back. With no explanation.

"Whatever. So here we are. Just another day at the office."

"Whatever"? What are you going to do?? Maybe after the storm passes you write a story about how the cops disarmed you and left you in a potentially hostile environment, and you put this outrage in the lead of your story instead of burying it near the bottom and dismissing it with "Whatever." The guy is right when he describes himself as a wuss; more accurately, he's dangerously ignorant.

I know, I know, I'm the Gandhi guy who thinks there's always a nonviolent alternative. But I'm not interested in denying the rights of people to defend themselves.

The confiscation of guns from peaceful, law-abiding citizens has people like cartoonist Scott Bieser and Claire Wolfe and James Leroy Wilson wondering if it's time to start re-reading the Declaration of Independence and rewriting it to suit the new resistance. This is not the rule of law; this is the breakdown of law.

As a friend of mine who's wiser than he realizes wrote me last night, "So, ideally we want to live by Gandhi's words, but realistically if we want our freedom and liberty restored we may have to go with Jefferson." A scary and daunting thought, but it beats "whatever."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a previous post bwr wrote;
"Hearst Corp. hired six armed military contractors, led by former Navy SEAL Chris White, to protect the house and journalists, presumably from looters, but also from arrest by police or the military."

Today we hear that reporters had their guns confiscated and then returned.

Yet, the 2nd Amendment was nixed in NO and most everyone else, I am guessing the folks that may actually need their guns the most , had them confiscated.

Why would this be?

And where in the hell is the NRA?

10:23 AM  

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