Saturday, April 15, 2006

Poll: Most Americans say tax system unjust

Don't get too excited. It's not what you think.

Almost as certain as death and taxes is the public's feeling that the U.S. income tax system is not fair. An Ipsos Poll released this week found almost six of 10 people, 58 percent, say the system is unjust, a number that is virtually unchanged from two decades ago.

So far, so good. Of course it's unjust to confiscate people's income and redistribute it to fuel a central, intrusive government monster. Maybe there's hope after all. Oh - wait, the bubble bursts in the second paragraph.

People think the middle class, the self-employed and small businesses pay too much in taxes, the poll found. And they think those with high incomes and big businesses don't pay enough.

Lordy, Lordy, we're living in a workers' paradise. I think I'll go off and work my land today, while I'm still under the illusion that it's my land. (Of course, mathematically speaking, the bank owns more than 80 percent of it, but I feel like having illusions today, thank you.)


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