Wednesday, December 27, 2006

New Year ruminations

Oh, here we go again. What is it about this time of year that sends me off into reflective analysis land? Must be all of those "top 10 stories of the year" pieces and "people who died" articles, not to mention the magazine that named me as Person of the Year because I spend so much time tapping at these keys.

Reflective analysis makes me melancholy. I never live up to my expectations. Then again, if I was already all the man I wanted to be, what could I set for a goal? If I met and/or exceeded expectations, where would I go from there? Maybe my resolution for 2007 should be not to be so hard on myself.

2006 is, after all, the year I finally dug The Imaginary Bomb out of the box and tossed it out there for your examination - and eternal thanks to "Uncle" Warren Bluhm for serving as my voice on the podcast. Hey, it's a start, just as 2005 was the year I finally dug out of the shell and started sharing my thoughts with the outside world. What do I do for '07?

I had big plans to churn out the first sequel to The I-Bomb this fall and make it a regular (quarterly?) series, but writer's block and projects at the day job kept me away from the keyboard. My imaginary friends Bob, Pete and Baxter won't shut up, though, so I think we'll get that one going in ought-seven. Where else do we go from there? Not sure. I registered just to be on the safe side - All it does for now is take you back to here, but there's something empowering about creating a domain name. It's not quite the same as creating the domain itself, but at least it has a name.

Whither Richardson in '07? Hard to say, but thanks for coming along with me this far. It's been cool picking up friends like Sunni Maravillosa and Wally Conger and Tom Ender, and the three of you especially have been enormous help and support in my little endeavors. I am your fan as well, I hope, as your friend.

Sorry about walking away for a week and then returning with just a few I-me-mine ruminations. Sometimes a guy just has to stop for a little while. The question is now, what next? but then, isn't it always?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your road is everything that a road ought to be . . . and yet you will not stay in it half a mile, for the reason that little, seductive, mysterious roads are always branching out from it on either hand, and as these curve sharply also and hide what is beyond, you cannot resist the temptation to desert your own chosen road and explore them. MT

8:33 PM  
Blogger Wally Conger said...

Yep, you can always count on me, B.W. But you still got my blog link wrong. It's

6:16 PM  
Blogger B.W. Richardson said...

But you still got my blog link wrong. It's

Ack! What was I thinking? Fixed now. Sorry and thanks!

7:25 AM  

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