Sunday, September 18, 2005

'Hello Mcfly! Government caused this mess!'

Patrick Sovereign nicely sums up how the state essentially set the Gulf Coast catastrophe in motion by mismanaging the levees, building inadequate roads, maneuvering the poor into dependence on the government, prohibiting charities from entering the area to help the state's victims ...

"Even with all these failures of Government, people are seriously asking what Government can do to ensure this doesn't happen again??

"Hello Mcfly! Government caused this mess!

"Not only did they cause this mess, Government thrives on failure. ...

"Government requires things to fail to stay in business."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Butler's article:
Most of us continue to sanction such statist systems because we lack the inner courage to confront our own thinking. We continue reinvesting our souls and the lives of our children in systems that define who we are to ourselves. When those systems fail, we reenergize our commitments to them, for to acknowledge the failure of the state is to admit to the inadequacy of our personal identity. If the state is a failure, we are a failure.

If he is correct, that truly is a success story for the government compulsory education system.

6:45 PM  

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