The return of Firefly/Serenity fanboy

Roger Ebert's review makes it sound a little bit like a guilty pleasure, although I usually get no pleasure out of modern horror flicks.
"Slither is the kind of horror movie where decent citizens are attacked by a nauseating slimy grub from outer space, and the characters watch Troma movies on TV. If the name 'Troma' means nothing to you, what are you doing reading a review of Slither in the first place? ...
"There are better movies opening this weekend. There are better movies opening every weekend. But Slither has a competence to it, an ability to manipulate obligatory horror scenes in a way that works."
What the heck, Sweetie is out of town, and I have 20 bucks burning a hole in my pocket; maybe I'll buy a ticket and more popcorn than one human being should attempt to eat and go see Mal do his thing.
Fer chrissakes, see it! LOVED it!
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