Wednesday, June 21, 2006

apocalypse now

Oh boy, all I have to do is give Coast to Coast my fingerprint, a sample check and driver's license and I can buy stuff even faster and more conveniently. Here's the exciting news.

"People either love it or think it's a sign of the coming apocalypse,'' said Amer Hawatmeh, owner of the new convenience store ... who signed up a few hundred customers for Pay By Touch. "But to me, it's the wave of the future.''

Not my future!

The company pledges not to sell or rent personal information, or access to it.


The fingerprint image recorded is not the same as those collected by the federal government or law enforcement.

But no doubt the federal government or law enforcement will be able to subpoena those records. Or just seize them.

It's similar to the finger-scan technology used at theme park gates. Those systems take measurements of patrons' hands and fingers and link them to a multi-day pass to prevent several people from using one person's pass.

Are you kiddin' me? Remind me never to enter a theme park again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the article:
TAMPA - Customers can pay with cash, plastic or their index finger at a new Coast to Coast Family Convenience store here.

At least they still take cash. The days coming when...

12:10 PM  

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