Sunday, January 14, 2007

Whispers of Orwell everywhere

Sunni is selling Valentine's truffles now, and don't forget - as I am likely to - that the deadline for orders is this Wednesday, Jan. 17. Information on how to buy these delectable treats is right here.

But I confess my main reason for bringing it up is the notice Sunni posted on top of the order form: "Doubleplus important item." Not that the truffles aren't of doubleplus importance, but the use of the adjective "doubleplus" is an homage to the novel that scared the bejeebers out of me as a teenager and continues to toss a tingle of fear through me to this day: Eric "George Orwell" Blair's Nineteen Eighty-Four.

My God, what a great book that is. And it is such a frightening depiction of the runaway rogue state that he has been honored with an adjective of his own: We live in an Orwellian world. Every so often you'll see a word from 1984 turn up in the mainstream: Someone will point out that calling it a "troop surge" rather than an "escalation of the war" is newspeak, for example.

Twenty-three years after the year came and went, it's still doubleplus important that Orwell's work not be forgotten or ignored, because the warnings he gave are still valid. As are his insights.

If there is hope [wrote Winston] It lies with the proles ... Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.

It's Monday ... and the clocks will be striking 13 soon.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the plug! However, I consider this a preliminary testing round so that I can get Valentine's Day orders as close to perfect as I can. So, one can sample the flavors now, and decide what would be best for indulging in later.

I was overdosing on irony, I believe, when I decided on that title for items to stay at the top of the blog ... but I'm glad it prompted you to remind us of how prescient he was.

9:45 AM  
Blogger Doc said...

i saw the bumper sticker Bush/Orwell 2008 the other day. Now that 1984 is making all the rounds, it's time to remember that animal farm has its lessons also.

8:01 PM  
Blogger B.W. Richardson said...

Well said, Len. The powers that be just can't seem to get over that attitude that some animals are more equal than others. In many ways - the lighter approach especially - Animal Farm is a more effective book that spells out precisely what to expect when "revolutionaries" replace one state with a "new" state.

6:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, both of you gents.

7:44 AM  

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