Thursday, June 22, 2006

Fear mongers work overtime

Today's thing to be afraid of that's beyond your control: The San Andreas Fault could blow "at any moment." Good news for people with future oceanfront property in Nevada, I guess.

What's the point of the latest study? Well, there's no sign in the story of any call for massive federal preparations for the apparently inevitable Big One, but the skids are greased to study the study with cash that you earned: "In the fall, Hudnut will head a $240,000 project that would conduct tests on the southern segment to get a better idea of the threat it poses."

I'm not saying there'll never be a big earthquake, just pointing out another in the long line of things we're told to be afraid of - terrorists, cigarettes, caffeine, movie popcorn, Democrats, Republicans, bird flu, earthquakes. Just remember, something eventually will kill each and every one of us. It's a simple fact of life, so accept it, and don't let fear of death keep you from living the fullest life you can.


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