Thursday, March 06, 2008

'Evil Genius' takes on evil

In the latest edition of Evil Genius Chronicles, Dave Slusher lets loose his despair over the differences between the ideals he remembers about the US of A and the reality. A sample:
We are willing to torture. That is now the final straw for me in this nation — the fact that we are soft on fucking torture. If that is the case, what do we stand for? If we are willing to undo, to roll back from the first sentence of the Declaration of Independence on — human rights have no meaning when we are, as a nation, willing to torture humans and then lawyer about our ability to do so. Morality has no meaning, civil life has no meaning, political life has no meaning if these are the tradeoffs we're willing to make for it ...

If we are willing to sacrifice the fundamentals of human rights because we are scared ... That is so opposite the philosophy of this nation, when people stood together and they said, "For standing together we can all be subject to death — we can be hanged from the neck for treason for getting together and saying we don't believe the monarchy controls us — we believe that there are human rights and human ability. It does not matter whether you were born inside the borders of this nation or not; it does not matter whether you stand within the borders of this nation or not — these are inalienable, and these cannot be taken away." And yet we argue about this ...

... When we are a nation that tortures, anything we say about human rights, anything we say about torture is a fraud.
I wanted to stand up and cheer when I heard this podcast, and wave to people and yell "Listen to this!" but I had to keep both hands on the wheel at the time. So I'm doing it now: Listen to this. It's not kid-safe or office-safe; Dave uses some of "those" words to make his point. But these are good words, 53 minutes well spent. As the lady says to open every show, "Now you should listen to this, 'cause this concerns you."

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